Horizon Peak Blog
Is your blog a publication — or a library?
For better blogging results, stop seeing your blog as a publication. Try thinking of it as an online resource. An ecosystem, even. A living LIBRARY.
Executives: Avoid These 5 Mistakes When You Write Articles for Business News Sites
Are you an executive who’s been invited to write an article for a major business news site? Congratulations! Avoid these five mistakes to make the most of the opportunity.
Copy & Design Brew Podcast
James Turner and Chris Tompkins invited me to their Copy & Design Brew podcast for an exciting conversation about copy, content, confidence and design.
5 Mistakes Content Creators Make That Cost Them … Big
Content creators are making 5 mistakes that are costing businesses customers, money, time and — most importantly — authority. The good news is when you fix these mistakes, your content starts working harder for you.
How to Use Customer Insight for Higher Converting Content
Like effective copy, effective content starts with customer insight. Here’s how to use that insight to write content that works harder.
Jessica came highly recommended — but of course, it’s always interesting when you bring someone new on board to work on your projects. I was thrilled to find that she was quick to respond, enthusiastic, and had an uncanny ability to grasp and tackle complex projects. Especially since my team digitally supports an abundance of SAP products and initiatives!
Olivia Romalis
Digital marketing content specialist at SAP