Helping B2B Tech  Connect With Customers, Human to Human

Editorial content and campaign copy for maximum conversion — and customer relationships that stand the test of time.

Strategic content marketing consultant and copywriter for enterprise technology companies.

Your solution is ideal for large and enterprise customers … but your marketing isn’t reaching or engaging them. Something’s not working.

Before you start throwing money at yet another tactic, let’s do a quick reframe.

Effective marketing is a conversation between your company and your target customers, just as effective sales is one human helping another human solve a problem.

In the tech industry, when your marketing content isn’t delivering ROI, it’s often because it’s not building relationship.

Your technology copywriter shouldn’t just understand your solution — they should help your customers understand the value of it in their everyday lives, too. At Horizon Peak, we help you build this relationship of trust and understanding with our proven narrative approach.

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A Few of the Results Our Clients Have Achieved

  • 2,500 webinar registrations resulting in 780 live attendees
  • 150 new users in the first 30 days
  • Tripled the click-through rate for onboarding email sequence
  • 32% surge in self-service revenue
  • First-page ranking in Google for blog posts and e-books
  • 75% reduction in turnaround time from content production to launch

Jessica came highly recommended … I was thrilled to find that she was quick to respond, enthusiastic, and had an uncanny ability to grasp and tackle complex projects. Especially since my team digitally supports an abundance of SAP products and initiatives! 

Olivia Romalis, digital marketing content specialist at SAP

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Conversation Before Conversion

This is the key to more human marketing, better customer relationships, and better converting content marketing programs.

And it’s the foundation of Jessica Mehring’s REO framework.

We bring conversion optimization best practices to your content marketing program to deliver results that build customer Relationships, create Experiences and meet your business’s top Objectives.

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Conversation Before Conversion

This is the key to more human marketing, better customer relationships, and better converting content marketing programs.

And it’s the foundation of Jessica Mehring’s REO framework.

We bring conversion optimization best practices to your content marketing program to deliver results that build customer Relationships, create Experiences and meet your business’s top Objectives.

Does any of this sound familiar?

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Your marketing campaigns aren’t getting the results you need them to.

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You’re spending budget on large content assets like white papers, and you’re just not sure they’re working like they should for demand gen, lead nurture, or sales enablement.

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Your highly paid developers and engineers are spending their valuable time writing your marketing content.

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The sales team is complaining about lead quantity and quality, and they hate the content the marketing team provides for sales enablement. Sales and marketing alignment feels so far off.

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Your marketing has gotten stale and you need a fresh perspective.

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Your sales have been coasting for years on a wish and a prayer — but now it’s time to build a high-converting marcom engine, and your in-house resources are woefully insufficient.

To create marketing content that helps you achieve your business goals in the tech industry, a customer-centric strategy and conversion-focused writing must go hand in hand.

Jessica Mehring About Conversion Copywriting

Hi, I’m Jessica Mehring, CEO of Horizon Peak Consulting

My proprietary consulting and conversion content writing methodology helps enterprise technology companies drive awareness, convert existing demand,  and accelerate sales.

About Jessica Mehring Conversion Copywriter

Hi, I’m Jessica Mehring, CEO of Horizon Peak Consulting

My proprietary consulting and conversion content writing methodology helps enterprise technology companies drive awareness, convert existing demand,  and accelerate sales.

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FAQFrequently Asked Questions

What’s the difference between a technology copywriter and a technical writer?

As the tech industry defines these terms:

  • A technology copywriter is a copywriter skilled in writing marketing copy and/or content for technology companies.
  • A technical writer is a writer who creates user guides, instruction manuals, and other supporting documents for technical product information and customer and employee support content.

Horizon Peak Consulting is focused on tech copywriting. We help you engage your target audience, turn inbound marketing leads into loyal customers, and enable your sales team with high-quality content.

What makes a technology copywriter different from a digital marketing copywriter?

A digital marketing copywriter knows how to write for digital marketing. They know how customers read and interact with copy and content online, and craft words that work well in this environment. They may or may not have expertise in a specific vertical or market.

A technology copywriter is well-versed in the tech industry, and can understand and write around the more technical details of your solution. A good technology copywriter also has an understanding of how to write copy and content that reaches your target audience — whether or not that audience is technical themselves. For example, some enterprise technology solutions are marketed and sold to executive audiences, while others are marketed and sold to developers. These are unique audiences with unique needs, and your tech copywriter should be able to know how to write for your audience specifically.

Does technical copywriting help with things other than marketing?

Absolutely! Well-crafted technical copywriting can help with user acquisition, sales enablement, customer service, and SEO. Because a technical copywriter comes to the table with industry expertise, you’ll also see an impact on content production turnaround time.

Another benefit many of our clients have raved about is that as technical copywriters, we can engage with equal confidence with your sales team, your subject matter experts, and your developers and engineers. We make our stakeholders look like rock stars to their senior leadership.

What kinds of tech companies do you work with?
  • SaaS (Software as a Service)
  • IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service)
  • PaaS (Platform as a Service)
  • BPaaS (Business Process as a Service)
  • EE (Extended Enterprise)
  • Data and Analytics
  • Cloud Management and Security
  • Cloud Communications Platforms
  • Cybersecurity
  • AI and Machine Learning
  • Technology-focused Venture Capital
  • ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)
What’s your onboarding process for new clients?

There are three steps to becoming an HPC client:

  1. Fill out our contact form to give us some basic information about your company and your project.
  2. If it looks like we’re a good fit, we will send you a more detailed questionnaire to fill out, and you’ll be prompted to schedule a call with Jessica Mehring to talk more in depth. Depending on the nature of the project and your organization’s decision flow, she may send you a proposal after the call.
  3. Finally, Jessica will send client agreement (and a statement of work if your organization requires it) and an invoice. Once those are taken care of, we’ll schedule your project kickoff.

While we work together, you’ll be pleased to find that we communicate early and often, we always meet or beat our deadlines, and the assets we produce for you are publishing-ready. (Sure, a round of edits is included in the scope of any project — but our clients rarely need them!)

How do you work?

For content writing services, we work on retainer (monthly, quarterly, or on a project basis). We charge a flat fee for a predetermined scope of work.

If you are looking to hire Jessica for a strategy engagement, she will quote a flat rate once she has an understanding of your goals and needs.

Get in touch here:

How soon can you start?

On average, we book two weeks out.

Our ongoing retainer clients are our top priority, and we typically only have room for one new client and/or one-off project each month. Our schedule fills up incredibly fast, so reach out to us as early as possible. The sooner we can get you scheduled, the better.

If you need your project done ASAP, we may still be able to fit you in — but a rush fee will be included in the rate.

How much do you charge?

We charge project rates, and we will customize a proposal to meet your specific needs. Variables that impact pricing include desired turnaround time, length of the content, if it is a one-time project or an ongoing retainer, payment terms requested, complexity of the subject matter, and the amount of research and meeting time required.

We only work on projects where we can deliver ROI. When we ask you what your budget and timeline are, it’s to make sure we will have what we need to deliver results for your business. This applies to one-time projects as well as monthly retainers.

Do you also upload the copy or content to my website or mailing list software?

Our zone of genius is content marketing consulting and writing for enterprise tech — that’s where we’ll make the biggest impact on your business. However, for established clients, we can assist with limited marketing operations like uploading content to your CMS for an additional fee. 

What if I need design or development work?

Most Horizon Peak clients have in-house designers and developers, or a stable of contractors. We do not provide design or development services for the content we write for our clients, however we may be able to point you to one of our strategic partners, or even work with one of our partners on your behalf. We will talk to you about your content publication process during the discovery phase of your project and help you figure out what will work best for your situation.